Polaroid Legal

1. General

These terms and conditions for gift cards (Gift Card Terms) govern the sale of digital gift cards by Polaroid America Corp, PO Box 4668 #21179, 10163-4668 New York, United States, a subsidiary of the Dutch company Polaroid B.V. (together with its affiliates Polaroid, we or our) and the purchase and use thereof by consumers via our website at www.polaroid.com/en_us.

2. Acceptance and Compliance

These Gift Cards Terms apply to you as purchaser or user of all digital gift cards (each a Gift Card and collectively Gift Cards).

Your purchase or use of a Gift Card implies your full acceptance of these Gift Card Terms, together with any and all rules and policies provided by us including our Terms of Purchase and Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to update these Gift Card Terms at our sole discretion. You are advised to check the Gift Card Terms on this website from time to time for any updates or changes that may impact you.

3. Polaroid Gift Cards

Gift Cards are issued by us in amounts of $25, $50, $100, and/or $250.

You can only purchase your Gift Card and redeem it for products in the United States and Canada at us.polaroid.com.

To redeem a Gift Card on https://polaroid.com/en_us, apply the discount code on the Information or Shipping step of our checkout. Insert your code in the “Gift card or code” field and click “Apply".

4. Purchases

We will deduct the funds from the amount available on your Gift Card at checkout.

If the amount of your purchase exceeds the balance on your Gift Card, the remaining amount must be paid with another payment method.

If the amount of your Gift Card exceeds the order value, the balance will remain active for later use.

Any unused balance may not be redeemed or exchanged for cash, except to the extent required by law.

5. Expiration and Fees

Gift Cards do not expire.

There are no fees associated with Gift Cards.

6. Limitations

You cannot return, resell or cancel your Gift Card, or use your Gift Card to purchase other Gift Cards.

You agree to not use Gift Cards in any manner that is unlawful, misleading, deceptive, unfair, or otherwise harmful to us and/or our customers.

We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to Gift Cards. In the event that a gift card is non-functional, your sole remedy, and our sole liability, shall be the replacement of such Gift Card. Some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations may be limited by applicable law. If state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or exclusion or limitation of certain damages, you may have additional rights.

7. Risk of Loss

We are not responsible for any loss of Gift Cards or damage resulting from loss of Gift Cards. Gift Cards must only be obtained from us on us.polaroid.com. You are responsible for safeguarding your Gift Card from unauthorized use by third parties. We are not responsible for, and we shall have no liability to you for any unlawful conduct or fraud by any third party associated with any Gift Card.

8. Violations

We reserve the right without notice to cancel, hold, void, or refuse to accept your Gift Cards without a refund, suspend or terminate accounts, suspend or terminate the ability to use our services, cancel or limit orders, and bill alternative forms of payment, in case you violate these Gift Card Terms, or if we believe that a Gift Card was obtained, used, or applied to a purchase fraudulently, unlawfully, or otherwise in violation of these Gift Card Terms, or used any Gift Card in a manner that we suspect or believe is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, unfair, or otherwise harmful to us and/or our customers.

9. Governing Law

You agree these Gift Card Terms and all claims or causes of action arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the State of New York, excluding its conflicts of laws provisions, and in the event of a dispute arising under these Gift Card Terms, the Parties hereby submit to exclusive jurisdiction in the federal or state courts located in New York and agree that venue is proper and convenient in such forum.